Kate Brett


Sublime and curious; the viewer never tires and the interior is inspired.



My square framed works are about mnemonics, visual mind mapping in an urban environment. I try to encourage the viewer to build up a visual diary of an imaginary day, hour, minute. A familiarity of a distant figure picking their way through a barrage of text and directions in a map like grid.

The long framed pieces are based on the concept of loss and searching. Porcelain is a perfect medium to explore the analogy of the fragility of our existence.
The box series explore the concept of looking in and discovering something beautiful inside.


Venues/Collectors include Liberty, the V&A Shop, Paul Smith and Petersham Nursery as well as other small independent shops.


Kate left art college with  a first class hons degree in three dimensional design. She then set up a studio in Old Street where she supplied various shops and galleries within Europe and further afield.  In 2001 She completed an MA in Fine Art and has been combining both disciplines ever since. Kate has been awarded residencies in Sydney, Japan and Berlin. She now works from a studio in South West London.